Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) is a synthetic hallucinogen. It is a mood changing chemical manufactured from lysergic acid, which is found in the ergot fungus that grows on rye and grain. It is colorless, odorless and bitter. LSD is sold under the street names acid, boomers, yellow sunshine, pane, superman, zen, dots, loony toons, purple heart, hippie, and tab. It is manufactured in crystal form then converted into liquid for distribution. The liquid is usually consumed on sugar cubes or blotter paper.
Albert Hofmann of Basel, Switzerland first synthesized LSD in 1938 while researching potential blood stimulants. Additional research found that the new drug could produce hallucinations in doses as small as 25 micrograms. In the 1940s psychiatrists began experimenting with the drug. Free samples were readily distributed to the public, and the drug became popular.
LSD’s effects are unpredictable. Consumption produces hallucinations, offering users a disconnection from reality. Users may experience feelings of enlightenment, psychosis, and depression. The senses are addled and crossed, with users potentially tasting color or seeing sound. The drug impairs judgment, and may cause panic attacks, impact perception of depth and time, and fuel paranoia. Physical symptoms include fluctuations in body temperature, dry mouth, tremors, and sleeplessness. LSD accumulates in the body and users become tolerant to the drug, requiring larger doses to get high. Once consumed, trips can last for eight to fourteen hours. Flashbacks to trips can occur without warning, even years after use of the drug has stopped.
LSD is classified by the United States Drug Enforcement Administration as a Schedule I substance. It has a high potential for abuse with no accepted medical use, even under supervision.
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